缺口1. 顧客期望與經營管理者之間的認知缺口,當企業不了解顧客的期待時,便無法提供讓顧客滿意的服務。
缺口2. 經營管理者與服務規格之間的缺口,企業可能會受限於資源及市場條件的限制,可能無法達成標準化的服務,而產生品質的管理的缺口。
缺口3. 服務品質規格與服務傳達過程的缺口,企業的員工素質或訓練無法標準化時或出現異質化,便會影響顧客對服務品質的認知。
缺口4. 服務傳達與外部溝通的缺口,例如做過於誇大的廣告,造成消費者期望過高,使實際接受服務卻不如預期時,會降低其對服務品質的認知。
缺口5. 顧客期望與體驗後的服務缺口,是指顧客接受服務後的知覺上的差距,只有這項缺口是由顧客決定缺口大小。
引用來源 PZB模式 [LINK]
PZB服務品質5構面 (PZB,1988)
1.有形物Tangibles : (以實體代表服務)
2.可靠性Reliability : (傳遞承諾)
可信賴且正確的執行所承諾之服務能力 #靠譜
3.回應性;反應性Responsiveness : (樂意幫忙)
4.保證性(確實性)Assurance : (激發信任與信心)
5.同理心Empathy: (給予顧客個別化的對待)
#服務品質度量方法-SERVQUAL量表 [點我]
1.Parasurman, A., Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry (1985). A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research. Journal of Marketing, 49(Fall), 41-50. [參考連結1] [參考連結2]
2.Parasuraman, A., Leonard L. Berry, Valarie A. Zeithaml,(1988)., SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing, 64,12-40 [參考連結]
SERVQUAL is a multi-item scale developed to assess customer perceptions of service quality in service and retail businesses (Parasuraman et. al., 1988).
The scale decomposes the notion of service quality into five constructs as follows:
Tangibles - physical facilities, equipment, staff appearance, etc.
Reliability - ability to perform service dependably and accurately
Responsiveness - willingness to help and respond to customer need
Assurance - ability of staff to inspire confidence and trust
Empathy - the extent to which caring individualized service is given
SERVQUAL represents service quality as the discrepancy between a customer's expectations for a service offering and the customer's perceptions of the service received, requiring respondents to answer questions about both their expectations and their perceptions (Parasuraman et. al., 1988).
The use of perceived as opposed to actual service received makes the SERVQUAL measure an attitude measure that is related to, but not the same as, satisfaction (Parasuraman et. al., 1988).
Parasuraman et. al. (1991) presented some revisions to the original SERVQUAL measure to remedy problems with high means and standard deviations found on some questions and to obtain a direct measure of the importance of each construct to the customer.
01. XYZ有現代化的裝潢與設備
02. XYZ購物環境整潔舒適
03. XYZ員工有整齊的服裝與專業的儀態
04. XYZ購物環境的服裝陳設與展示設備符合時尚且視覺良好
05. XYZ能準時完成所允諾的服務
07. XYZ會在第一時間就把服務工作正確的做好
08. XYZ會在承諾的時間內提供顧客要求之服務
09. XYZ各項服務能零瑕疵
10. XYZ的服務人員會在提供服務時明確告知顧客實際狀況
11. XYZ能提供顧客迅速的服務
12. XYZ的服務人員總是樂意的幫助顧客
13. XYZ的員工從來不會因為太忙而不理會顧客的需求
14. XYZ服務人員使顧客能夠信賴
15. XYZ提供顧客安心滿意的交易服務
16. XYZ的服務人員總是保持禮貌的態度
17. XYZ的服務人員具有專業的知識能回覆顧客的問題
18. XYZ能重視每位顧客的最大權益
19. XYZ的服務人員會關心顧客個人的需求
20. XYZ的服務人員能了解顧客的需求
21. XYZ秉持以客為尊的服務精神
22. XYZ提供顧客方便且充裕的退換貨時間與方案
Measuring and improving service quality can increase your organization's profits and reputation. Regardless of the industry, service quality can have a direct impact on your company's ability to satisfy customer needs while remaining competitive.
Learning how to measure and improve service quality is a valuable skill, but it requires research and expertise. In this article, we discuss what service quality is, why it's important and how you can ensure a consistent level of service quality.
Service quality is a measure of how an organization delivers its services compared to the expectations of its customers. Customers purchase services as a response to specific needs. They either consciously or unconsciously have certain standards and expectations for how a company's delivery of services fulfills those needs. A company with high service quality offers services that match or exceed its customers' expectations.Related:
5 dimensions of service quality : The five dimensions of service quality are:
1. Tangibility
This is an organization's ability to portray service quality to its customers. There are many factors that give a company highly tangible quality, such as the appearance of its headquarters, its employees' attire and demeanor, its marketing materials and its customer service department.
2. Responsiveness
This is a company's dedication and ability to provide customers with prompt services. Responsiveness implies receiving, assessing and swiftly replying to customer requests, feedback, questions and issues. A company with high service quality always responds to customer communication as soon as possible which can often indicate the value a company places on customer satisfaction.
3. Empathy
Empathy is how an organization delivers its services in a way that makes the company seem empathetic to its customers' desires and demands. A customer who believes a company truly cares about their well-being is likely to be more loyal to that company.
4. Reliability
This refers to an organization's ability and consistency in performing a certain service in a way that satisfies its customers' needs. This process involves every step of customer interaction, including the delivery or execution of the good or service, swift and precise problem resolution and competitive pricing. Customers have a certain expectation of reliability in buying a specific product, and a company's success usually depends on its ability to meet those expectations.
5. Assurance
Assurance is the confidence and trust that customers have in a certain organization. This is especially important with services that a customer might perceive as being above their ability to understand and properly evaluate, meaning that there has to be a certain element of trust in the servicing organization's ability to deliver. Company employees need to be mindful of earning the trust of their customers if they want to retain them.Related: What Is Quality in a Business?
Why is high service quality important?
The main reasons why high service quality is important to an organization are:
It boosts sales. Customers that perceive a company's services as being high quality are more likely to do business with that company. Also, customers who buy from companies with high service quality are more likely to continue buying from those companies regularly.
It saves marketing money. Retaining existing customers by offering them high-quality services is typically less expensive than attracting new ones.
It can attract quality employees. Highly performing professionals generally prefer to work for companies with high service quality.
It can lead to repeat business
Customers who see their issues and complaints swiftly and efficiently resolved by a company's customer service department may be more likely to buy from that company again in the future.
It strengthens the company's brand. The reputation of a company with above-average service quality can boost sales by attracting new customers or retaining existing ones.
It eliminates certain barriers to buying. High service quality can convince a hesitant customer to make a purchase, as they know that if the service is not right for them, they can rely on strong customer service to remedy the situation.
Related: A Complete Guide to Quality Assurance and Quality Control
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How to ensure good service quality
The methods of ensuring high service quality usually differ slightly depending on the nature of the business, customer standards and other factors. However, there are some common elements. These steps can help you provide strong service quality to your customers:
Understand what your customers want
Customers don't always have very exact needs, making it the company's responsibility to guide them and help them find the best solution for their particular situation.Related: How To Understand Customer Needs in 4 Steps
Treat your customers respectfully in any situation
Even when customer requests seem unreasonable, companies should treat them with the utmost respect and make the customer feel like the company is empathetic to their issue.Related: How To Deal with Angry Customers (With Examples and Tips)
Quickly and correctly respond to customer inquiries
Giving relevant answers to customer questions can improve the company's image and reputation of being an organization that offers good service quality.
Use customer feedback to make improvements
Encouraging customer feedback can help an organization understand the areas where they can improve their service quality. Implementing those changes can show customers that the company is listening to their wishes and is willing to modify its services accordingly.Related: What Is the GAP Model of Service Quality? (With Examples)
Provide a friendly and efficient experience
Regardless of the services that your company provides, a well-implemented customer interaction system can increase efficiency by allowing employees to process each customer with ease. A smooth customer experience, in general, can serve to improve or reinforce a customer's perception of the organization's service quality.
Make sure that customer-facing employees are familiar with all services
All employees who interact with customers need to have extensive knowledge regarding the company's services so they can effectively explain them to customers. This can enhance the customer's perception of the company's ability to deliver quality services.Related: 4 Levels of Customer Service: Definitions and Tips
Be honest regarding your services
When customers inquire about a service or need to decide between multiple options, it is usually best for the company to be completely honest with them and fully disclose all the pros and cons of their choice. This can improve customer trust and therefore increase the chance of that customer returning.
引用來源 服務管理 [LINK]
Parasuram, Zeithaml以及Berry三位學者考慮服務的無形性、異質性、同時性等特性,於1985年選擇銀行、信用卡公司、證券經紀商、和維修廠四種產業進行一項探索性研究,經過與顧客的群組訪談(focus group interviews),提出服務品質的十項構面:可靠性、反應性、勝任性、接近性、禮貌、溝通性、信用性、安全性、瞭解顧客及有形性。1988年進一步進行實證研究,挑選電器維修業、銀行、長途電話公司、證券經紀商和信用卡公司五種服務業為研究對象,將十個構面精鍊為五個構面:可靠性、回應性、確實性、關懷性與有形性。(依重要性排序)顧客即使用這五個構面比較認知與期望間的差距,來衡量服務品質。
SERVQUAL是由A. Parasuraman, V.A.Zeithaml, 與L.L.Berry於1988年所共同發展的服務品質量表。1991年並經過一些修訂。它包含兩部份,第一部份記錄顧客對某一種服務的整體期望,第二部份則記錄顧客對特定服務公司提供之該項服務的認知,每一部份都是用22個評量項目來涵括服務品質的五個構面,服務品質的評分是計算出顧客對服務的期望與實際認知間的差距而來,計算出顧客所給予這兩部份的差異分數,即得出缺口5。其他缺口也可以運用同樣的方法得出。
實例研究:Nitecki, Danuta A.研究SERVQUAL在學術圖書館的可行性。針對圖書館之館際互借、參考及指定參考服務進行研究,第一部份所使用的22個評量敘述如下所示:
一、有形性 Tangibles
1.優秀的圖書館館際互借單位應該具備先進的設備 。
二、可靠性 Reliability
三、回應性 Responsiveness
四、確實性 Assurance
五、關懷性 Empathy
1. Reliability
This is the ability of the firm to perform the service effectively and accurately. It measures whether the firm lived up to its promises or not.
2. Assurance
This dimension depends on the employees of the firm. It is their skill to produce trust and credibility in minds of the consumer. It requires proper knowledge and dedication.
3. Tangibles
This dimension refers to physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication material.
4. Empathy
This dimension refers to the attention and priority the organization gives to the needs and requests of the customers.
5. Responsiveness
This dimension is related to the firm and its ability and willingness to aid customers and provide apt service as promised.
These are the five dimensions that help a firm to tend to its consumers and maintain a positive relationship with the latter.
1.商務中心位置、距離旅館 2.電梯有無與坪數大小 3.試衣間數量 4.廁所距離 5.捷運距離 樓層1或B1, 2F
6.競爭對手:同類距離遠近(近或遠較佳?) 7.停車場價格方案 9.美食街距離 10.鏡子比率
服務型態 | PZB服務品質5構面 | 服務產品模型 The Servuction Model
Service Quality: Definition, 5 Dimensions and Implementation source: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/service-quality
Measuring and improving service quality can increase your organization's profits and reputation. Regardless of the industry, service quality can have a direct impact on your company's ability to satisfy customer needs while remaining competitive.
Learning how to measure and improve service quality is a valuable skill, but it requires research and expertise. In this article, we discuss what service quality is, why it's important and how you can ensure a consistent level of service quality.
Service quality is a measure of how an organization delivers its services compared to the expectations of its customers. Customers purchase services as a response to specific needs. They either consciously or unconsciously have certain standards and expectations for how a company's delivery of services fulfills those needs. A company with high service quality offers services that match or exceed its customers' expectations.Related:
5 dimensions of service quality : The five dimensions of service quality are:
1. Tangibility
This is an organization's ability to portray service quality to its customers. There are many factors that give a company highly tangible quality, such as the appearance of its headquarters, its employees' attire and demeanor, its marketing materials and its customer service department.
2. Responsiveness
This is a company's dedication and ability to provide customers with prompt services. Responsiveness implies receiving, assessing and swiftly replying to customer requests, feedback, questions and issues. A company with high service quality always responds to customer communication as soon as possible which can often indicate the value a company places on customer satisfaction.
3. Empathy
Empathy is how an organization delivers its services in a way that makes the company seem empathetic to its customers' desires and demands. A customer who believes a company truly cares about their well-being is likely to be more loyal to that company.
4. Reliability
This refers to an organization's ability and consistency in performing a certain service in a way that satisfies its customers' needs. This process involves every step of customer interaction, including the delivery or execution of the good or service, swift and precise problem resolution and competitive pricing. Customers have a certain expectation of reliability in buying a specific product, and a company's success usually depends on its ability to meet those expectations.
5. Assurance
Assurance is the confidence and trust that customers have in a certain organization. This is especially important with services that a customer might perceive as being above their ability to understand and properly evaluate, meaning that there has to be a certain element of trust in the servicing organization's ability to deliver. Company employees need to be mindful of earning the trust of their customers if they want to retain them.Related: What Is Quality in a Business?
Why is high service quality important?
The main reasons why high service quality is important to an organization are:
It boosts sales. Customers that perceive a company's services as being high quality are more likely to do business with that company. Also, customers who buy from companies with high service quality are more likely to continue buying from those companies regularly.
It saves marketing money. Retaining existing customers by offering them high-quality services is typically less expensive than attracting new ones.
It can attract quality employees. Highly performing professionals generally prefer to work for companies with high service quality.
It can lead to repeat business
. Customers who see their issues and complaints swiftly and efficiently resolved by a company's customer service department may be more likely to buy from that company again in the future.
It strengthens the company's brand. The reputation of a company with above-average service quality can boost sales by attracting new customers or retaining existing ones.
It eliminates certain barriers to buying. High service quality can convince a hesitant customer to make a purchase, as they know that if the service is not right for them, they can rely on strong customer service to remedy the situation.
Related: A Complete Guide to Quality Assurance and Quality Control
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How to ensure good service quality
The methods of ensuring high service quality usually differ slightly depending on the nature of the business, customer standards and other factors. However, there are some common elements. These steps can help you provide strong service quality to your customers:
Understand what your customers want
Customers don't always have very exact needs, making it the company's responsibility to guide them and help them find the best solution for their particular situation.Related: How To Understand Customer Needs in 4 Steps
Treat your customers respectfully in any situation
Even when customer requests seem unreasonable, companies should treat them with the utmost respect and make the customer feel like the company is empathetic to their issue.Related: How To Deal with Angry Customers (With Examples and Tips)
Quickly and correctly respond to customer inquiries
Giving relevant answers to customer questions can improve the company's image and reputation of being an organization that offers good service quality.
Use customer feedback to make improvements
Encouraging customer feedback can help an organization understand the areas where they can improve their service quality. Implementing those changes can show customers that the company is listening to their wishes and is willing to modify its services accordingly.Related: What Is the GAP Model of Service Quality? (With Examples)
Provide a friendly and efficient experience
Regardless of the services that your company provides, a well-implemented customer interaction system can increase efficiency by allowing employees to process each customer with ease. A smooth customer experience, in general, can serve to improve or reinforce a customer's perception of the organization's service quality.
Make sure that customer-facing employees are familiar with all services
All employees who interact with customers need to have extensive knowledge regarding the company's services so they can effectively explain them to customers. This can enhance the customer's perception of the company's ability to deliver quality services.Related: 4 Levels of Customer Service: Definitions and Tips
Be honest regarding your services
When customers inquire about a service or need to decide between multiple options, it is usually best for the company to be completely honest with them and fully disclose all the pros and cons of their choice. This can improve customer trust and therefore increase the chance of that customer returning.