
Brand credibility (BC) x4

I trust the brand (BC1)

I believe that the brand makes trustful claims

I believe that the brand is honest (BC2)

I believe what the brand tells me (BC3)

Brand ethicality (BE) x6

I believe the brand respects moral norms

I believe the brand always adheres to the law

I believe the brand is a socially responsible company (BE1)

I believe the brand avoids damaging behavior at all cost

I believe the brand is a good company (BE2)

I believe the brand will make a decision only after careful consideration of the potential positive or negative

consequences for all those involved (BE3)

Brand love x5

This is a wonderful brand.

This brand makes me feel good.

This brand makes me very happy.

This brand is a delight.

I am passionate about this brand.

Love/passion x3

No other brand in the category can quite take the place of this brand.

I have a powerful attraction toward this brand.

I have feelings for this brand that I don't for many other brands.

Brand attitude (BA): Please evaluate the brand

From 1 strongly dislike to 7 strongly like (BA1)

From 1 unfavorable to 7 favorable (BA2)

From 1 negative to 7 positive (BA3)

Brand purchase intention (BPI)a: How likely is it that you would consider purchasing the brand products?

From 1 unlikely to 7 likely (BPI1)

From 1 definitely would not to 7 definitely would (BPI2)

From 1 improbable to 7 probable (BPI3)

Brand emotional connection and loyalty. Journal of Brand Management 2012.

Brand love

This is a wonderful brand.

This brand makes me feel good.

This brand makes me very happy.

This brand is a delight.

I am passionate about this brand.

Self-expressive brand

1. This brand symbolizes the kind of person I really am inside.

2. This brand refl ects my personality.

3. This brand is an extension of my inner self.

4. This brand mirrors the real me.

5. This brand contributes to my image.

6. This brand has a positive impact on what others think of me.

Brand attachment

1. No other brand can take the place of this brand.

2. I feel missing if I haven’ t this car brand.

3. I ’ m very attached to this brand.


1. I have a lot of faith in my future with this brand.

2. I want to continue my relationship with this brand.

Brand trust

1. This brand is reliable and dependable.

2. This brand is trustworthy.

3. The price of my car is more than fair for the performance I receive.


1. Next time I will definitely buy the same car (or its successor) again.

2. If I have a problem with my car (eg, stolen). I will definitely buy it again

3. If I got any car for free. I would choose my car.

4. I recommend my car to other people.

5. I talk to other people about my car.


No other brand in the category can quite take the place of this brand.

I have a powerful attraction toward this brand.

I have feelings for this brand that I don't for many other brands.


I have at least one fond memory that involves using this brand.

This brand reminds me of what I was like at a previous stage of my life.

This brand reminds me of someone in my life.


This brand and I have a lot in common.

This brand's image and my self-image are similar in a lot of ways.

This brand says a lot about the kind of person I am or want to be.


It would be destructive in some ways if I have to select anther brand.

I will stay with this brand through good times and bad.

I have made a pledge發誓保證 of sorts分類挑選 to stick黏貼堅持 with this brand.


Using this brand somehow makes me feel at home.

This brand adds a sense of stability into my life.

Using this brand somehow makes me feel safe and secure.

Intimacy 親密 隱私

I know things about this brand that many people just don't know.

I know a lot about the company that makes this brand.

I feel as if I really understand this brand.

Partner quality of the brand

This brand treats me like an important and valuable customer.

This brand takes good care of me.

This brand plays an important role in my life.

Partner quality of the consumer

I want to contribute to this brand.

I am willing to recommend this brand to others.

When I have a good idea for this brand, I want to let it know the idea.